65 Fun Indoor Activities for Kids to Do on a Rainy Day


Linda Penitusi

These sixty-five indoor rainy day activities for kids provide hours of independent play ideas. Just yesterday the sun was shining and the kids were fully occupied –running around the backyard, climbing trees, splashing through sprinklers, and drawing with chalk. But today the clouds moved in and there’s nothing but solid rain predicted all day long. So now what? It’s easy to keep most kids entertained outside with so many things to do, see and explore. But inside can be a different story with cramped quarters and little space to move. Not to fear…the sixty-five indoor activities for kids listed below are the perfect remedy to a snowy or rainy day. They generally use common materials found in most family homes and kids ages 6+ should be able to do the majority of these activities independently with little or no help from you.

65 Indoor Activities Kids Can Do Independently on Rainy Days

Click on the links below to see suggestions, resources, and ideas for each activity.
  1. Create an indoor obstacle course
  2. Plan an indoor scavenger hunt
  3. Write letters to family or friends
  4. Design cards for your friends
  5. Make your own play dough
  6. Make play dough sculptures
  7. Make slime
  8. Make a necklace out of beads or pasta
  9. Write in a journal
  10. Choreograph a dance
  11. Plan and perform a play
  12. Play a card game
  13. Play a board game
  14. Have paper airplane races
  15. Make shadow puppets
  16. Line up dominos and watch them fall
  17. Play with shaving cream and food coloring
  18. Create a sculpture from recycled materials
  19. Play string games (Cats in the Cradle)
  20. Build a fort with couch cushions
  21. Create a design with popsicle sticks and glue
  22. Bake a snack
  23. Make ice cream
  24. Make popsicles
  25. Cook a meal
  26. Leave friendly notes or gifts in neighbor’s mailboxes
  27. Do a blind taste test of different foods or drinks
  28. Solve a crossword puzzle
  29. Make an eruption with baking soda and vinegar
  30. Create and bury a time capsule
  31. Paint rocks
  32. Put a puzzle together
  33. Play 20 questions
  34. Create something from a large box
  35. Design your own board game and play it
  36. Build with blocks
  37. Create an art gallery featuring your artwork
  38. Read a book
  39. Read a magazine
  40. Create a secret code
  41. Play with Legos
  42. Make a collage
  43. Sew something with fabric
  44. Create a giant paper airplane
  45. Play dress up
  46. Do a random act of kindness to a family member
  47. Turn on music and have a dance party
  48. Stack cups and knock them down
  49. Play family
  50. Tell or write a story
  51. Make sock puppets
  52. Write a poem
  53. Take photos
  54. Record a video
  55. Play farm
  56. Paint with sponges
  57. Build a structure with playing cards
  58. Use craft supplies to create animals
  59. Draw a picture of a person
  60. Cut out paper snowflakes
  61. Play school
  62. Put on a puppet show
  63. Play zoo
  64. Make something with pipe cleaners
  65. Make bookmarks

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