Office Location
Our office is conveniently located near the intersection of FM 1826 and Highway 290 West, in the Seton Southwest Hospital complex. There is plenty of FREE parking. We are on the 2nd floor of Medical Plaza ONE which is the building closest to FM 1826. When you exit the elevator, we are immediately to the left AND right of the elevators in suites 220 and 240.
Office Location:
7900 FM 1826, Building 2, Suite 202
Austin, TX 78737
Phone: (512) 288-9669
Fax: (512) 498-0317
Normal Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm
Closed for lunch from 12PM-1PM
Extended Hours:
Monday – Friday: 5 pm – 8 pm
Learn More about Extended Hours
Saturday: 8 am – 12 pm
Learn More about Saturday Hours
After Hours Care:
Our physicians are available for your urgent phone calls after the office closes 365 days per year. If the office is closed, a $20 fee may be charged, depending on the circumstance. Please call our normal phone number (512) 288-9669 and you will be forwarded to the appropriate after-hours service. IF YOU NEED EMERGENCY CARE, PLEASE CALL 911 RATHER THAN CALLING OUR PHYSICIANS AND WAITING FOR A CALL BACK.
View the After Hours FAQ
Patient Portal/E-mail Correspondence
HIPAA-compliant, non-urgent messages may be sent to your provider through our patient portal. If your question or concern is urgent or you need a quick answer, please call us and let us know your concern rather than leaving a message on the portal. Messages from the portal will be answered as soon as possible, but might be delayed if your physician is at a conference or on vacation.
We strongly recommend that you enroll in our patient portal. It is a powerful tool to communicate with your doctor, receive lab results, and print vaccine records on-demand. The portal is HIPAA-compliant, meaning it is encrypted and safe for communication about personal health information (PHI). Email, text, and social media are clearly not. Even more convenient, though, is your ability to make an appointment on the spot, request future well check appointments, and get reminders of upcoming appointments.
Social Media
We have a social media pages (Facebook & Instagram) that help communicate quickly and can be pretty fun. You are welcome to post your child’s photographs or check-in as you like. We do not post anything personal about you on our pages unless we have your permission. Our physicians may have private accounts with various social media platforms. As convenient as it may seem, it is not an appropriate way to communicate between patient & physician. Physicians are discouraged from becoming “friends” with patients via social media unless they are otherwise friends or neighbors, so please do not take it personally if your physician declines a friend invitation. This is a complex, evolving question, but generally it is discouraged to maintain as much objectivity between patient and physician as possible. Text messaging is also strongly discouraged as it is not encrypted or otherwise protected; your privacy is extremely important to us.
Meet Our Physicians
Every second Tuesday of the month, new and expectant parents are invited to Southwest Pediatric Associates Meet the Pediatrician event! Our virtual Meet the Pedi is an excellent opportunity for you and your family to get to know our practice and care providers. During this event, we provide an overview of our clinic, services and the opportunity to learn more about the individual providers philosophy in caring for your infants, children and teens. We end each webinar with a Q&A session so you can ask any questions related to bringing home a newborn or any questions about our practice. Register on our events page on our main menu!
Anything Else We Missed?
Please give us a call at (512) 288-9669 if you have a question that we have failed to answer.
After Hours Care
Our providers are available to you 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days per year. Our goal is to make sure you can access the best advice from your care team any time, rather than resorting to an urgent care or ER visit, or seeking a telemedicine visit with a random provider. IF YOU NEED EMERGENCY CARE, PLEASE CALL 911 RATHER THAN CALLING OUR PHYSICIANS AND WAITING FOR A CALL BACK.
Frequently Asked Questions:

You can notify us after-the-fact, but please do not delay emergency care to call us.
Again, notify us after-the-fact so we can help you in follow-up, but please call Poison Control FIRST.